Kickoff Rule Syntax

Kickoff rules are comparisons that define specific members in order to send them to a particular kickoff location.


The following rule sends all webs to station 5.
RuleLocationtype = web5
The following rule sends all members longer than 1 m to station 2.
RuleLocationlength > 10002

The following logical operators are supported:

= (or ==) equal
!= not equal
< less than
<= less than or equal to
> greater than
>= greater than or equal to

A rule may have multiple conditions. All conditions must be met for the rule to apply. Conditions are separated by an ampersand (&).


The following rule sends all webs longer than 1 m to station 7.
RuleLocationtype = web & length > 10007

A rule with no condition is always true (i.e. any member is sent to the specified location).


The following rule sends any member to station 3.
RuleLocation 3

If multiple rules are specified, the first rule to have its conditions met is applied (starting from the top of the list and moving down).

The following fields are supported:

Member Field Value Type Description
name text name of the member (job:truss:member)
job text designation of the job the member belongs to
truss text designation of the truss the member is part of
member text designation of the member within the truss
material text description of the material assigned to the member
type text type of the member (e.g. web)
width number width of the member (in mm)
thickness number thickness of the member (in mm)
length number overall length of the member including any automatic length adjustment (in mm)
boardlength number length of the board used to cut the member (in mm)
nominallength number overall length of the member as it appears in the job file (in mm)
number number member number out of the total quantity of the same member (e.g. 3 for member 3 of 6)
totalnumber number total number of the same member to be cut (e.g. 6 for a member cut 6 times)
done flag true or false depending on whether the member has already been cut
binnumber number number of the bunk the board was taken from to cut the member (if an automated timber retrieval system is installed)
trussordernumber number order number of the truss as it appears in the job file
numcuts number number of cuts on the member
invalidcuts number number of invalid cuts on the member
The fields below are applicable to Omni XML job files only.
nextstation text NextStation value for the member as it appears in the job file
side text Side value for the member as it appears in the job file
aoside text AOSide value for the member as it appears in the job file
trusslength number length of the truss (in mm)

Note: field names and values are case-insensitive.